We have recorded thousands and thousands of words, we have experienced the same unique emotions of those who ask for them. Every day we fill our hearts with words, reflections and ... uniqueness. INK was born from the inspiration of its customers, from you, the true creators of unique pieces.
Eleonora Cavallaro, estrosa artista, ci regala la sua creatività in meravigliose borse esclusivamente hand made. Stilista all'avanguardia è cresciuta con la passione della lavorazione del cuoio. Le sue borse sono il frutto della continua ricerca di materiali pregiati e di idee innovative al passo con i tempi moderni.
Eleonora Cavallaro, whimsical artist, she gives us her creativity and her experience in the creation of unique and exclusively hand made bags. An avant-garde designer who grew up with a passion for leather processing. Her bags are the result of the continuous search for precious materials and innovative ideas always in step with the times.
Made in Italy hats, made entirely by Italian artisans, tell the story of Tuscan ingenuity, the beauty of our land and look beyond, towards new horizons. A skilful mix of tradition and innovation gives fresh collections in step with the times, the result of a careful study of shapes and colors, of a passionate search for new materials and trends. At the same time these hats never give up that retro touch that makes them fascinating and timeless.